We all have a childhood superhero character or characters that we have admired throughout our childhood and teenage. We all need a hero who gives us the feeling of that if I had this super power, then I could have done this and that. There are many superheroes with many different kinds of powers, but they all somewhere at the end, teach us the same thing, to be a good person and use our powers for good of the people. Now you will think that what power do we have? Neither we can fly, nor do we have super strength! Then how can we do good for people? But being a hero does not mean to jump off the rooftops to save people but one can also become a hero by helping someone reaching somewhere who don’t know anything about that place. There are many heroes in our everyday lives who help us in many ways, but we never see them as heroes because they don’t have any super power. But being a good and helpful person is equal to being a superhero.
Just think for a second, if Superman used his immense powers to destroy and control the world or Spiderman crawled up the buildings to steal from people’s house. Who would have saved the victims? But they didn’t! They could have, but they didn’t. There is a famous line from Spiderman that “With great powers, comes great responsibilities”. These are not just mere words, but this is a principal on which every person should live.
We all have come across some real heroes on some occasions. Sometimes we realise it and sometimes we don’t. It could be anyone, starting from our parents, to our teacher, to our friend or someone unknown, real superheroes can come in any form. A true hero helps us in many ways starting from assuring us that we are safe during a hard time of stress and tension to a person who comes out of nowhere to drop you home in his car during a night of winter when you are waiting with your family and you are not getting anything. They don’t always ask for something in return, they just do what they can to help us and then disappear in the thin air. But the heroes of reality are not strangers. Sometimes they are the closest people to us like our parents, siblings and friends. They help us in many ways that we don’t even think of.
We all have superheroes within us who don’t actually jumps off the buildings or break villain’s bones with punches but by helping people in different ways and trying to be good to everyone so that people whom we are helping, remember us for good. We should also keep our eyes open to see the real heroes of our lives so that when they come and help us, we should at least thank them for their deed as that is the least we can do.