Unknown Myths and Facts about Raksha Bandhan

India is a land of many different cultures, people and beliefs. That’s why in India, people celebrate throughout the year for one thing or another and people belonging to one culture or community join the celebration of another culture. This is the real beauty of India, the unity in diversity. There are many celebrations and festivals in India like Holi, Diwali, Janmashtami, Navaratri etc. Just like that, India has a festival which celebrates the unending love of brothers and sisters. It is called the Raksha Bandhan.

Every Indian knows about this festival and what happens in this festival but today I am going to share some unknown myths and facts about this festival which are really interesting.

According to Hindu mythology, Indrani, the wife of Lord Indra tied a thread around his wrists when he was going to fight with the demons. Gradually, the significance of the relationship changed and the thread was then tied by a sister to her brother’s wrist.

It is believed that Lord Vishnu granted a boon to demon king Bali that he would stay at his palace, but the Goddess Lakshmi did not want to do so. She tied a rakhi to Bali and asked that he should allow Lord Vishnu to leave, in return.

When Lord Ganesha’s sons, Shubh and Labh, saw his sister tying a rakhi to Ganesha, they asked him for a sister, so that they could also celebrate the festival of Raksha Bandhan. Lord Ganesha granted their wish and created a daughter from the fire, who came to be known as Santoshi Ma.

There is another historical story about Raksha Bandhan. It is said that King Porus restrained from killing Alexander the Great in the battlefield because Alexander’s wife had sent a rakhi to Porus.

The great freedom fighter and poet, Rabindranath Tagore tried to strengthen the ties between Hindus and Muslims by asking them to tie Rakhis to each other. He wanted to unify them in the struggle against the colonial rule.

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