One of the meanings of understanding is knowing, being tolerant and being sympathetic towards the needs, feelings or views of others. Psychologists tell us that the lack of understanding between the people is the major cause of conflicts within family, friends, neighborhoods and nations. To try and get along better with others by understanding their point of view is essential if we are to enjoy peaceful, harmonious lives.

Family counselors say that families which spend quality time together and share experiences and feelings are the one that remain united. Members develop communication skills, express themselves clearly and frankly, and learn to listen to one another. Arguments are obviously going to happen if groups of different individuals meet. But if conducted in a civilized way they can give us a new perspective on a problem or even result in unification of thought.

Listening plays an important role in understanding. Teenagers must understand many things about their parents. They should understand the things their parents and elders say because they have more rigid rules and moreover even if they lay down rules for us they are not aimed at oppressing us but for protecting us. Teenagers should realize that it is not always possible to get everything one wants, there may be others who need to have their own way sometimes.

Conflicts that can otherwise turn into ugly situations can be resolved if the parties involved sincerely try to understand each other’s views.

So understanding is very important today to maintain good relations.

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