Humans are all the time chasing something or the other that matters to them and is required for living. There are some things which we should never give up on and continue chasing, like:
Things that we should never stop chasing..

Humans are all the time chasing something or the other that matters to them and is required for living. There are some things which we should never give up on and continue chasing, like:
Though it is difficult to achieve perfection in life, still that does not mean that you should stop aspiring for perfection. Try, try until you gain success and PERFECTION.
All of us have some goals in our minds and always face hurdles in the path to achieve that goal. Don't let difficulties overpower you. Fight those hurdles and achieve you ultimate goal.
All of us have some hobby or the other in which we want to excel and gain perfection. But because of some reason or the other, we are not able to give time to them. That's not a problem because it's never too late to chase your interests and hobbies.
Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realise they were the big things. Chase them with all your might. It will be worth it.
The truth may hurt, but lies kill. Lies don't deserve a place in our life. So remove all the unwanted lies and replace them with truth.
We always dream for something or someone in life. It's never too late to bring those dreams to life. So chase them and make them happen.
Each one of us have a destined soul mate and true love. Be with someone whom you think deserves your time, attention and love. Fight for that true love and never let them go from your life.