Things Every 20- something Needs to know

The world is changing and so are we! The time spent can't be brought  back but the future is still in our hands! After being constantly reminded about the fact of growing up and about the part of being in a real world every single day, presenting to you some points that every 20 something needs to know :


1. Stop running behind better jobs, better life. Look around! There's a lot that needs your attention if you're not resisting the flow you surely will miss out something, something which can also  be a Life Changer for you!

2. Never get obsessed of your 'Comfort Zone'. Dig out yourself  from the known places and the faces and bring it on! Life needs to be lived but not inside a shell or cocoon! Either make or Join a Community!

3. Never disrespect your parents. Whatever they do, they do it to see you grow! They may fight not just for the sake of fighting, remember they know us the best!

4. Never, ever stop dreaming. Don't let others bring you down, don't compare yourself with others!

5. It's always okay to make mistakes. You aren't perfect and you are going to mess up sometimes, thats just a way of life.

6. Don't set limits for yourself and never allow others to do the same.

7. Remember the scores you get in college is just a number which will never measure your capabilities.

8. It's okay to not have friends. Go ahead and discover yourself. Travel!

9. No one is worth crying for. People can be mean. Girls. Boys. Friends. Know that you will get hurt and might feel betrayed; and if you hurt someone, apologize and own up to it. 

10. Love yourself !

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