There is something tempting about the forbidden that makes us tempt for it more and more. Humans have a tendency of being attracted to something that is not allowed to them. It could be in terms of any material, action or love. We are most attracted towards those things which are prohibited to us. If anyone stops us from doing anything, we are tempted the most to do it. There's this curiosity to know the unknown that drives us all the time. We want to explore what's hidden or what's untold to us. Only after exploring the forbidden do we feel satisfaction and peace.
Eve ate the forbidden fruit out of temptation to experience and explore the truth about the forbidden apple. Similarly women are most attracted to things that are prohibited to them. It could be a forbidden relationship, dress, kiss or sex. Forbidden love is the most tempting. When we don't get the things which we want, we desire more and more for them. It is also a known fact that a human is attracted towards that person the most who runs away from him/her. When we get anything easily, we don't really care and value for it. But when we have to work hard to get something, then that thing values the most to us. This is the magic and charm of FORBIDDEN.
We are all the time getting attracted to the forbidden, knowingly or unknowingly. This temptation and attraction cannot be stopped or controlled. It's beyond human control and subjugation. All that we can do is continue being tempted, attracted and lured to get entrapped in the irresistible trap of 'forbidden'. Surely nobody would want to escape it.
The Temptation of Forbidden