The Mind is the Battleground. Read Further to know more about the powers of your mind.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the mind is our biggest battleground.  It’s the place where the strongest conflict resides.  It’s where half of the things we thought were going to happen, never did happen.  It’s where our expectations always get the best of us.  It’s where we fall victim to our cravings to control the uncontrollable. And if we allow these thoughts and cravings to dwell in our minds, they will succeed in robbing us of peace, joy, and ultimately our lives.  We will think ourselves into deep heartache and even depression. Truthfully, there’s so much about life that we can’t control, it makes no sense to waste all our energy on these things and then blatantly neglect everything we can control. We can decide how we spend our time right now, whom we socialize with – whom we share our lives with.  We can choose to love and appreciate the people in our lives for exactly who they are.  We can choose how we’re going to respond to life’s surprises and disappointments when they arise, and whether we will see them as curses or opportunities for personal growth. And most importantly, we can choose to adjust our attitudes and let go of all our worries about everything we can’t control, which in turn frees us up to take the next best step forward in our lives.

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