Indian society has made considerable progress in the last few decades. Many traditional customs have been given up as they were no longer relevant to the changing society. However the custom of dowry has survived. Marriage has become like a business. The financial terms are settled much in advance of the actual ceremony. Many young girls commit suicide before or after marriage as they  are unable to pay the price of  the greed to the in-laws. The Government has pass a Bill to amend the Dowry Prohibition Act.

This is one of the tragedies of modern times that despite of  the spread of education change in traditional beliefs, customs and manners; the condition at women remains largely unchanged. Despite of several laws designed evils such as dowry continue causing havoc in the lives of parents and the young girls. The custom of dowry was started by our forefathers with a practical purpose. The girl was given gifts and jewellery at the time of her marriage so that she could start life afresh without feeling weighed down by everyday needs of life. Another reason for giving away part of the possessions was that the girls were not entitled to any share in the property by right. Only the boys could be the legal heirs to the wealth and property left by the parents.

But over the years, the custom of dowry has degenerated. Marriage has become like a business transaction, where the terms are dictated by the boy's parents. The financial terms are settled much in advance at the actual marriage ceremony. Even if the girl's parents do everything in accordance with the wishes of the groom and his parents, there is no guarantee of a happy future for, their daughter. Everyday the newspaper headlines bring this fact home that the evil of dowry is playing havoc with the lives of young girls. 

So there is a need of the hour to bring a change and remove this evil custom from our society.

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