Technology, science and inventions have always been a stepping stone towards the human evolution and a better future. But today, the tables have turned.  Humans have become a slave to technology. It is no more a way of making our lives easier but it is all about surviving.

Technology has not only changed our lives, but it has changed us completely.  For instance, just imagine a day when you don’t have any technology around you. How would you feel? Will you feel like it doesn’t matter? No you will feel devastated, isolated and completely alone. That’s how much the technology has changed us. If we are not able to do anything, we have a simple solution and that is just typing about the problem and voila! We have a thousand solutions.

I am not saying that technology is not good for us or it is unimportant but is it doing us more good than harm? Technology has made us vulnerable. It has taken away our privacy. Today, it will take any good hacker just a few minutes to know where you are, what you are doing and who else is with you. And if his intentions are not so good then this technology can end your life. Pick up any newspaper and you will find a bad MMS scandal. Our evolution and betterment is causing the Mother Nature dearly.

How many of you have seen the animated movie Wall-E. If you have, then you know how well it is depicted there that what will be the condition of the earth and the Human Beings. Earth will be a barren wasteland and human beings will not be able to get up from their chairs and neither will be able to move their body parts. And the way we are letting technology control us ,that future is not too far. So it’s high time to think that how much we should let technology take control of us. I know it’s easier said than done but we should really start thinking that how we want the technology in our life – As a blessing or as a curse.

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