A student is expected to devote his time and effort in studies rather than involve himself in the rough and tumble of politics. Studies and politics are in fact diametrically opposite attributes and they are but incompatible. It is however unfortunate that the money and power attract the youth to it. This is for in the words of Bernard shaw a person with political aspirations “knows nothing and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career”.

Politics is no longer a noble service that it used to be. It was associated with social service and a political worker was first and foremost a social worker or reformer. During our struggle for independence it was these social workers that spread mahatma gandhi’s message throughout the length and breadth of the country. They were also in the forefront for unifying the country and reforming the society by educating the public on the social evils like child marriage, untouchability etc. ever since independence the political party politics has vitiated the political atmosphere of the country with the morality and ethics touching on all time low. It is now a full-fledged profession where the power and pelf of office turns ones fortune overnight by resorting to corruption.

It is unfortunate to see the students being increasingly exploited by political parties for their own selfish interest. They exploit the young blood for their dirty work by using them to promote their divisive and casteist politics. At times they also exhort them to violence for their perceived or drummed up grievances to get political mileage. Quite often many a promising youth’s career is ruined, because of their mechanization. This is a very dangerous sign for the impressionable mind of the student can be easily led astray.

The students should therefore not take part in politics which should infact be banned. The political parties should behave responsibly and not involve students in their dirty work. They should desist from doing so for it portends a great danger to the youth who are the future of the country.

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