Some people are like thorns. People are off different kind and different nature. Every individual is designed for a special purpose to complete. You can't expect someone to do something else than for what they were sent on earth. Some people are really a human version of flowers. That are sent to spread fragrance in the world. They simply add beauty by just their existence. But, some people - they are like thorns. You can't expect a thorn to be soft and harmless. It's sole purpose is to prickle, to hurt, to be the cause of flowing blood. Even If you try your best to change it. It won't. It just can't. It's a waste of time to try to convert it into something it is not. Similarly, The thorn like people can't be changed. They will hurt because they are born to do that. At this point of time, you have to act smart and not let the thorns harm you.
Some People Are Like Thorns