Apple, the Techno-Giant which has revolutionized the whole world with its Life Changing Products has recently launched the MacBook Pro 2016. From Macs and iPhones to apps and iPads, every launch of a new product amazes everyone with its splendid features. “Creativity is just about Connecting Things” and  Apple is actually connecting the dots in making this whole world a global village.

We have travelled so far in this techno-space that with every disruption in the technology we are coming one step closer to the era of Artificial Intelligence.

But everything is not going great for the biggest Techno-giant as Apple has witnessed a fall in the revenue for the first time since 2001. After 15 years, this sale slump has caused a retribution of 15% pay cut. Though, the CEO managed to do extremely well in the fiscal year but there is a decline of 8% in the revenue and 16% of the operating profit as compared to the past years. The reason for the sink in sales is due to the fact that the company has sold less iphones this year since the device came out in the year 2007.

Being, the leader in the techno-market, Apple every time brings out the best for its customers and sets a benchmark for “The Next Big Thing”. With the aim of investing in life-changing products, the company is expecting the sales to boomerang its sales with the latest iPhones, 7 and 7 plus.

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