What’s up with being a sexiest ? Having a feeling of gender superiority or mainly dominating and registering mascunality among women. A study released by American Psychological Association reveals that being sexist as a larger impact on mental health. Men having a tendency of dominating women in the society or pretending to be a playboy have a larger need of consulting psychiatrist. The men who rather is interested in stressing on the traditional masculine norms have lesser risk towards psychological problem. Overall men who showed a dominant sexist behaviour and sexist attitude had a threat of risking themselves to psychiatric problems and also showed deviant behaviour in admiring it.
The showcase of mental problems differs from what kind of attitude they posses. In a survey conducted on 19453 participants , answering to the questions based on mental health problems and also related to the 11 norms commonly reflected the masculine dominant norms. The factors were: desire to win ,need for emotion control, risk taking ,violence , dominance , playboy , self dominance , primacy of job, pursuit of status , power over women , disdain for homosexuality. The results of the survey was concentrated on three main groups positive mental health, negative mental health and psychological help seeking. Most of the men fell under the category of negative mental health and their association were more consistent on power over woman and pursuit of status. Men showing high sexist behaviour not only pissed with high risk in mental problems but also showed a negative behaviour in seeking help.