1. Popularity of 'SELFIE'
By the end of 2012, Time magazine considered selfie on the 'Top 10 buzzwords' of that year; although selfies had existed long before, it was in 2012 that the term "really hit by the time."
A poll commissioned BG smartphone and camera maker SAMSUNG found that selfies make up 30% of the photos taken by people aged 18-24.
In November 2013, the word "selfie" was announced as being the "word of the year" by the Oxford English Dictionary.
Instagram has over 53 million photos tagged with the hashtag #selfie.
The word "selfie" was mentioned in Facebook status updates over 3,68,000 times during a one week period.
The selfie is taken by many celebrities also and there are some songs in which word selfie is used, such as 'But first, let me take a selfie' and 'Chal beta Selfie le le re'.
I swear we won't forget how you look if you will stop posting your selfies every second on Facebook.