We all know about the reservation system in Indian Society and the general students have suffered because of it quite a times. It is a system in which Schedule Castes (SC), Schedule Tribes (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC) have some seats reserved in reputated organizations, such as in Schools, Colleges and Government Jobs. These reservations are made according to the castes of people. It started many years ago, when these castes were neglected and were counted among the Poor. But now, the whole scenario has changed. The people who belong to a certain cast that comes under the list of SC, ST or OBC they enjoy too much benefits. Easy admissions in schools and colleges and getting a government job too. The General category is facing a lot of problem due to the system of reservation. The son of IAS is getting admission in DU easily with low grades, just because he belongs to a caste that WAS poor years ago, whereas the son of a food vendor is unable to get admission in DU as he got 0.5 % less marks than the cut off list. This is not equality. Even the people who get admissions on the basis of their castes in highly reputed colleges, they are not deserving as much as the students who studied day and night and hence they grow up to be a bad ENGINEER, DOCTOR or so. That brings India to shame too. It is not a small matter, many matters are connected with it. Such as hike in number of suicides by students, poor economy, etc. The systems needs to change. If someone needs to get reservation, that is EWS, i.e. Economic Weaker Section. Helping people on the basis of money earned is justified, but on the basis of their castes is not. The Government needs to change some system and this is one of them.
Reservation System