Relieve your stressed up eyes!
Close your eyes often:
The best known technique is to rub your palms till they get warm and afterward setting them on your eyes for at some point. Another practice is to intermittently close your eyes and open them after each 5-10 seconds. This discharges the stress laid on eyes. Flickering can likewise saturate the eyes.
Take your eyes off the PC:
Take few breaks from taking a gander at your PC screen. This should be possible each 20-30 minutes. This may anticipate dry eyes, cerebral pains and hazy vision. Ensure you keep a separation of no less than 50-60 cms between your eyes and the PC screen and there is sufficient light in the room.
Move your eyeballs:
Rotate your eyeballs in clockwise and in anti-clockwise direction for no less than 7-10 times each day.
Continue taking normal breaks:
Spending longer hours in an air conditioned room tends to weaken your eyes. To maintain a strategic distance from this, you can venture out and take in however much natural air as could reasonably be expected.
Stay hydrated:
Drinking a lot of water additionally hydrates the eyes and keeps them soggy.