Fairness creams get a huge market from India. The reason behind such an expansion of usage of the fairness creams and other related products is the society that is secretly discriminative. The girls with darker complexion often hear things like, "Your features are nice but you would look better if you had a lighter complexion." or "try using some remedies to get fair skin or no one would agree to marry you." Through these statements, people are making the situations worse. Dark complexion is not a disease not a problem and we do not need any solutions to it. The fairness creams are taking the profit out of the, the fear of being a person with dark skin gives birth to these industries. People are buying the products and applying it. Great! You may get a fair tone but congratulations, you get many problems free with regular application of these creams such as skin irritation, itching, allergy and if you are lucky enough with the offer, SKIN CANCER too.
Not fair, still lovely