“No Longer Young And Not Really Old” – Welcome To The Quarter Life Crisis!

Quarter life crisis began for me from the moment I stepped into my 20s. Suddenly everything seemed to be in sharper focus. Life, it turned out, is even weirder than the chaos of the teenage years. I suddenly realized that I am not young enough to party late into the night anymore, neither am I old enough to command the respect I secretly wished for. Many, like me, probably are in their first jobs right now, having completed education. We don’t have enough experience to go on to a better (dream) job but I am sure most of us are trying to adjust to the corporate life our jobs have thrown at us. Suddenly ‘colleagues’ surround us.

Sometimes the mentality matches and sometimes the flow of conversation just washes over me. I am dying to fit in. It had been so easy to carve a niche out for myself with my childhood, school and college friends, what’s changed now? The feeling of growing up and taking responsibilities completely freaks me out, especially when I come to realise that the amount of time it took me to get from the good old 1999 to the perfectly alien 2016 is exactly what I have in hand to get to the science-fiction year of 2033!

I do not fit into the hip crowd of college goers anymore, and neither am I pursuing a serious, fixed career. I have come to realise that the dreams that I had seen when I was in college were all starry-eyed. As the reality seeps in I want to change the world, I want to make it a ‘better’ place. I want to make a difference by etching my own mark in the world.

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