Man lives in a society and it is these people who are around him who are his Neighbours. Similarly in the case of countries the country immediately around us are our neighbours. It is our neighbours who make our lives happy by helping us in our time of need and sharing our joys and sorrows. They are also at times a cause for concern, when baser instincts like jealousy, envy and hypocrisy raise their ugly heads. It is this behaviourial pattern which give rise to suspicion, distrust and a feeling of ill towards them. Nevertheless they play an important part in our lives for it would be difficult to envision life without them. Thus our behavior towards them should be appropriate to their traits.
This is evidently so for just as people are different similarly neighbours are also of varied kinds. We also have neighbourly countries that act as spoil sport. They not only relish the misfortune of a next-door country but at times through their nefarious design work for its downfall. It is such type of neighbours whom one should be aware of. This can be assiduously done by winning their trust and confidence rather than by resorting to force which at times leads to war. We all know that “peace hath her victories. No less renowned than war. For what can war, but endless war still breed†so said john Milton. This will not only bring peace and tranquility around us but will also make us happy.
Neighbours thus have an important role to play in our lives. We must cultivate good neighbourly relations with them and reciprocate their love and affection. This would make us happy and world would also become a better place to live in.