Most common dreams and their meanings

Having dreams is a very natural phenomenon. Every night we create like 5 dream episodes while sleeping with each lasting for about 15 to 40 minutes meaning, there are about 35 billion dreams generated in any given 24 hour lapse, in the entire world.

Though having dreams is normal and they can be very random and weird at times. many psychologists believe that certain dreams are present that actually bear vital meanings related to our lives, there are even dream experts who study about dreams and provide a suitable meaning for this random phenomenon.

Here are some very common dreams with their perceived meanings. 

1. Falling

There is a 99% probability that if you pick up any random person out of a crowd and ask if they ever had a dream of falling, they’ll say yes. People often have this dream multiple times in their lives. Experts claim that if one falls in a dream and is overcome by fear then it signifies insecurity and anxiety about a situation. The other side of the coin says that if one enjoys the feeling of falling then it suggests that he/she is not afraid of changes.

2. Partner is cheating

People in relationships (well, singles don’t have a partner to begin with) often go through a series of dreams in which they find their partner cheating on them, which eventually leads to develop a feeling of mistrust in the one who dreams. Actually, people who have this dream are already dealing with trust issues who have a hard time trusting anyone. And this dream does nothing but reinforces the same feeling of distrust which they already have.

3. Teeth falling out

Experts believe that dreams about one’s teeth can reflect their anxieties about their appearance and how other people perceive them. The root causes for such dreams are the fear of rejection, embarrassment or feeling unattractive. The dreams show you losing specifically your teeth because teeth are a symbol of power as you bite, tear and chew with it. The very sense of losing your teeth tends to shatter this sense of power which means that you may be experiencing self-confidence issues.

4. Being chased

The majority of people who have this dream are people who are working on their respective jobs. Such people generally develop a habit of avoiding issues that may cause fear or anxiety in their working life.The avoided issue becomes a source of problem in their unconscious as these very issues chase them in these dreams. This dream basically indicates that you have a tendency to run away or avoid particular issues.

5. Unprepared for an exam

Sounds familiar right? In what should be exclaimed as the worst nightmare of students, this dream is so common that at least 1 in every 5 people will experience an exam dream in their lives. Although, this dream breaks the boundaries of being present in only students and is also seen in people who are working as well. Actually, exam dreams are a reflection of one’s lack of confidence and inability to advance to the next stage of the concerned person’s life.

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