The development of natural resources depends on the needs and aspirations of people and the level of technological development. Therefore the development of human resources is pre-requisite for resource development. The vast resources of North America had no value (or the Red Indians as their needs were limited and they lacked technical skill). The resources acquired value when people from Europe settled there. After independence we had greater freedom to develop our resources according to our aspirations. At present our population is of the order of 88 crores and is expected to cross 100 crores by the turn of the century. Much of our achievements in various fields are laid waste by the ever increasing pressure on our limited resources due to the increasing population. Sustaining this rapidly increasing population on the limited resources of natural wealth calls for immediate action. Modern techniques of production can help but more important is the need to understand that the fragile and interdependent eco-system cannot survive unless we refrain from indiscriminate use of our natural wealth.

Despite the enormous pressures on land, water, and entire eco-system it is our earnest Endeavour to make the best and efficient use of our natural resources for the betterment of mankind. Sustaining a rapidly increasing population on the limited resources of land and water calls for most modern techniques. The alarming condition for our country is that we have about 17 per cent of the world’s population but only 2.5 per cent of its area and 6 per cent of its water resources. The false notion of their abundant availability has resulted in their careless use. And in the absence of a well-planned strategy we have been unable to exploit their full potential.

The per capita availability in our country is about one seventh of the world average. And against the world per capita average for forest land we have one-ninth only, resulting in their greater exploitation. These forests are cut for food, fuel wood, fiber and cattle feed. Human settlements, agricultural and industrial activities, roads and railways, animal husbandry, etc. are putting a great strain on these two essential ingredients of modern development. The basic urge in man to improve his condition has led to the evolution of scientific means and methods. He tries to meet the challenges of life and find solutions to his problems. Water and land are basic to agriculture which, in our case, is the main Occupation of the people. While the soil provides the growing medium, water provides the moisture needed for the growth of the plants. The thrust area obviously lies in Optimizing agricultural production per unit area and per unit volume of water consistent with the physical characteristic of land. state of socio-economic development, Labor, capital and institutional framework.

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