Make Every Second of Your Life Count

Every human born in this world will die one day. According to Indian mythology, the death of a human being is determined on the time of his birth. But even if it is true and we have a predetermined death date, we are unaware of that. Then why do we waste time living someone else’s life? Why do we put our passion away for the responsibilities? I know that it is easier said than done and I am also not asking to run away from your responsibilities, but what I am saying is to have some time for yourself too.

From our childhood, we were taught that if we don’t study hard then we will have no future. Some people are there for whom the studies are everything, but what about the others? All the five fingers are not equal. After a certain time, we were able to make decisions for our own. It is that time, when we should decide that what really interests us, what is our real passion, what can bring the best of us, because if we, ourselves cannot tell that what we really like, then in its  not possible to make others believe that we can do it. That is why it is important that we take some time out for ourselves, to do what we like. We have the capability of choosing our own path, but it is important that we do not waste time in following trails of other people.

None of us actually know that what will happen in the next minute of our life and that makes the life so challenging and yet, fun. Most of the people work to make a better future and a secured life but if we will be so tensed about the future then how can we focus on the work that we are doing today. Working for future is something like looking for the sun in the night. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow but we are working for it. It is both waste of time and effort, because if we are working for tomorrow then we are not enjoying today and not focusing on the work that we are doing today and like that, we are wasting our tomorrow too. So live your life today, do what you love, eat what you like, go where you want and with whom you want to, tell people what you feel about them, make every second of your life worthy because maybe, you don’t have a tomorrow. Live your life in today and leave the rest on time.

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