One day, you will shut your eyes forever and will move into a totally different world. You see! Your body is lying there and your soul,the immortal is going to watch all your life's journey. From 'birth to death' all has to be viewed. Have you made it worth watching? What have you earned till now? Money? Money is earned for the body,not for the soul. Money remains in the world where your body is burried. Love? Did you earn love? By love I mean unadulterated love. The kind of love which needs nothing in return. And did you love someone? Someone without intention of getting the love back? Did you love someone so purely that you set them free? Blessings? You get blessings from people? Please don't tell me you were blessed in your Facebook post or messages on birthdays. That GBU isn't what I am talking about! Did someone prayed for your well being or happiness? If not, I am afraid that you have not been blessed since long. Friends? How many friends do you have? No no, not the ones you have to spend time with. But the ones you love to spend time with. Is there any person who can tell you are broken just by looking at your face. Have you met anyone who would tell you how special you are to them when they are high? Comfort? Have you been comfortable with what all you have? Or you just kept craving for more? You know that those big bungalows and long cars won't bring comfort,it is achieved from within. The feeling that you get after keeping your head in your mother's lap, that feeling is comfort. Think and rethink. Have you got any of these things? If yes, Congratulations!! You are actually above many. If no, Chase them .Get them. Hope your life's playback journey will be worth watching!
Life's real earning-Let's make our life worth watching