Let's support equality and not feminism

Hey feminist! You want equal rights as men? The society is ready to give it 😊 Are you ready to take it? First,let's just clear the facts. You don't want men to comment on your figure,size,color,etc? Then stop judging their size of penis. Small dick-big dick. You don't want men to control you? Then pay your bills,share the expenses equally with your husband or dad. You want equal treatment as men? Hold your bags,open the door yourself,pull a chair for yourself. Don't ask for reservations in public transport. Don't enjoy the favour of free entry in pubs or free drinks. Don't act like you are ill ,if you aren't. You are against men hitting you? So, why do you support the shitty daily soaps in which woman hits a men? You don't like objectification about yourself dear? Stop listening and enjoying Honey Singh's songs which specially does that. I am not against FEMINISM I am just in favour of EQUALITY

Dear feminist, enough of your lame statements..let's face reality!

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