Judgments And People

All of us at some time or the other have experienced the effects of injustice- whether at home, school or college. A teacher who has  favorites is disliked. Blame apportioned wrongly can be one of the most hurtful events in our lives. I n the family , young children accuse their parents of giving other brothers and sisters bigger pieces of cake, more pocket money, better outfits etc. They don’t realize that they are accusing their parents of the same sin that they are guilty of !

Such incidents go to show our thirst for justice. In a just society all should have their basic necessities , sufficiently and equally. However, not only our country, but the whole world is far from this ideal. What a vast gulf divides the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ !

And what about ourselves as dispensers of justice?

We are constantly making judgments, labeling people, imagining their good or bad qualities. And many a times we do this on the basis of one or two experiences, sometimes, a superficial meeting or conversation; often on baseless comments made by others.

Judgment is a serious thing and is best left to god, who is the only one who can look into person’s hearts and minds. Let us be merciful in our judgments about others , for this is one sure way of sowing the seeds of justice in our society.


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