To pose such a portentous question as the above could be only attributed to a cynic, who does not view god in the proper perspective. It could also stem from his ignorance of what god actually is. Thus to answer his query it is imperative for us to know who god actually is.

God is neither a physical nor an abstract creature, nor is he there only in temples or churches or in the idols or pilgrim spots that we visit. He is, but, a manifestation of all things good in life and resides in each and every living creature on earth. The bible therefore says “god created man in his own image, in the image of god he him, male and female created he both.”

In this eternal pursuit of man to know god, that gave rise to spiritualism and the growth of religion. Each in its own way dwelt on good and noble things in life, demonstrating the victory of good over evil. Thus in Hindu mythology, we have the great epic Ramayana, which motivates us to emulate the noble ideas of lord Rama. It, very effectively, brings out the universal truth of victory of good over evil. Similar in the case with other religions like Sikhism, Islamism, etc. Thus there may be hundreds of religions, but they all lead to one god and that god is omnipresent and omnipotent.

It is indeed an antithesis of the above, that we find men fighting themselves to prove the supremacy of his religion over the other. This leads to hatred and the growth of religious fundamentalism, which is posing a grave danger to mankind.

The eternal truth is that, there is only one god and all religions are but a path that we should follow to achieve peace and salvation. This will not only make our lives happier but also bring peace and prosperity to the torn world. Thus as long as there is life on earth, god cannot die. To have any illusions on the contrary, would be amounting to inviting disaster and doom on earth.

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