I have heard a lot of people saying that, "I would never control our child like my parents did" or " I would allow my daughter to wear whatever she wants" but, I stay contradicted to all these statements and I confess that I WON'T ALLOW her to wear anything or let her do everything she demands. I will save her as my mother saved me. My mother saw a wider vision than me. I agree that I feel pissed of when I am ceased from doing certain things. I argue with her for letting me wear shorts in public. I confess I try to persuade her to let me travel with my friends. But, when I try to walk in her shoes I realize that she isn't wrong, she is caring. At a certain point, we do no realize that what our parents tell us is for our own benefit and that's normal, our parents felt same at their youth. At that time, the all you could see is FREEDOM. No boundaries, no limits. But, as we grow old, we realize that crying at night for not being able to go to the trip is better than being a rape victim. Getting sad for not being allowed to wear shorts is better than being stared by the boys. I agree that these cases are not happening with everyone and every time. But, I too realize that my mother didn't want me to be a victim of all these neither I want my daughter to be.
I will bind my daughter