Now a days it is very easy for us to communicate whenever we feels like talking to others, we just take out our mobile phone and either calls or texts them. We even have advanced communicating methods which allows video chats like skype, IMO etc. But have you ever imagined how people used to communicate in older days where there were no computers, mobiles, telephones and even post offices.
They used animals as mediators to convey message to other people. Pigeons were best friends of people in that aspect, they used to carry information from one person to others. Our ancestors were so clever in making use of pigeons as messengers. They observed the natural homecoming ability of pigeons and they used that property of pigeons to communicate. They used to domesticate pigeons in their houses and then they send those in cages to the house of people from whom they need to get message from. When the later people release the pigeon from the cage tying the message to the pigeon they fly to the house of former people due to their natural homecoming ability and thus the purpose is served.
Pigeons were used in military purposes too and that pigeons are called war pigeons. This type of communication was discovered by ancient Persians.