How to grow hair super fast!

Need long hair really soon? Here are few trips and tricks through which you can achieve desired amount of length in a short while. So let's get started

Tip no.1 Do not wash your hair everyday. Yes !you read it right, do not wash your hair everyday as your scalp extracts oil which is very useful for hair growth. So,wash your hair two times a week or maximum 3 .

Tip no.2 - Inverse hair massage Sounds weird? But it is really really helpful. In this massage kind you have to lay on a bed on your back and your head must be down after the surface so that you could see the wall and not the ceiling. Keep your head in this posture for 3-4 minutes and massage your scalp. By this method blood will flow inversely towards the hair and so your hair will grow quickly.

Tip no.3- Magic oil. Be a magician and do the magic on your hair . Magic oil is easy to make and is very effective on hair. For making this oil you need coconut oil, castor oil and some vitamin -e capsules that are easily available by any chemist. You just have to take 1 cup of coconut oil 12 cup of castor oil and cut 3-4 capsules of vitamin-e and the liquid which comes out of the capsule is to be mixed together. These three things when applied to get her create a magical effect and hair grows faster.

Tip no.4 - Onion juice. Just another trick that sounds weird ,but ya it is effective for sure. So here is the procedure as to how to use the juice for your hair. Take 1-2 onions,depending upon the length of your hair and grind them in a mixer. Filter the onions that you get in grinder and the onions will start leaving its juice. This juice makes hair grow real fast . Apply this juice on hair for 15 minutes and rinse with a mild shampoo.

Tip no.5- Trim your hair every month. You need long hair so you have to sacrifice a bit of your hair. The hair that are barrier in hair growth, the rough ,damaged and dry parts need to be cut off every month thus helping in hair growth.

Use these methods to attain desired length shortly! Stay Gorgeous☺

Gorgeous hair are the best revenge😍😉

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