Housewives, you should definitely know these tips to have control on your home.

House wives will be struggling a lot to provide everything to the people at home. They take the complete burden of home making other people to concentrate on their works peacefully.Here are few tips for the housewives to make their work easier.

• Add a piece of dried coconut in order to preserve curd for long time.

• Store biscuit packets in rice box to prevent them from getting moist.

• Add some potato pieces for your bread to preserve it long.

• Apply lemon juice or tooth paste to get rid of ink stains from your clothes.

• You can sharpen your blunt knives by applying salt to it.

• You can get rid of flies from your kitchen by cleaning it with turmeric powder solution.

• You can get more juice even from your stale lemons by soaking them in hot water for some time.

• We can preserve fruit salad for a long time by adding some lemon juice to it.

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