Heredity and environment play a vital role in the development of the personality of the individual. We cannot separate them into water-tight compartments as both are interrelated and interconnected. From old time immemorial people have debated which is more important for personality: heredity or environment.

As in most aspects of development, there is always the question, which is more important for personality - heredity or environment. According to traditional view, the personality of the individual was believed to be a direct result of his heredity. Later, with the spread of the Freudian point of view concerning the growth of personality disorders as resulting from unhealthy environmental conditions, the pendulum swung to the opposite direction and major emphasis was placed on the role played by environment. Today, a middle-of-the-road interpretation is being accepted in place of the extreme views, which placed the whole emphasis either on heredity or on environment. It is now rather generally believed that the foundation of personality comes from the maturation of heredity traits, but that these are influenced, partly through learning in connection with direct social contacts and partly, through conditioning.

Considering the bulk of evidence available, it may be stated that there is a definite operation between heredity and environment. There is a constant interaction between the hereditary and environmental forces on an individual and they operate in an integrated and collective manner. Although the importance of the two may be relative only, it cannot be said that their operation is exclusive. Hereditary factor may open differentially but this differentiation is determined by the environment.

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