Great tips to keep you fit & healthy this Navratri!!!

Navratri has arrived with all it's loud and popular aura of devotion and joy. While pandals are set for Durga Puja, people are gathering up for shaking legs together on Garba and Dandiya.

Yet some are indulging in the holy spirit of this year's 10-day long festival while fasting along with great dedication and love for Goddess Durga.

Here are some tips to make fasting even healthier.

1. First of all, avoid staying hungry for long. Yes, there you are on a fast but don't make it an exaggerated one or flaunt your 'I can stay hungry' abilities. Taking right amount of meal at proper time is a must or you may suffer. Don't compromise on your health. Your body needs energy and you must supply for it.

2. Stay hydrated. It is a thumb rule to drink eight glasses of water a day to keep toxics at bay. Follow it religiously as you do fasting every Navratri. It's an essential daily requirement.

3. Don't eat negative foods like onion, garlic, non-veg or eggs during Navratri as these foods tend to absorb negative energies. Common salt is also avoided during this festival.

4. Avoid high fat intake. Since it is Navratri then you may indulge in snacking those deep-fried sabudana tikkis or pakodas and papad or any other fried stuff which is probably not good for health. Take moderate amount of fats only as needed by your body.

5. Go healthy. Take a Navratri diet including curd, samaak rice or simply sabudana kheer. Filled with health and nutrition these foods will help you sustain for long.

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