Goodwill- What exactly it mean?

What exactly does goodwill mean? I saw an advertisement some days ago. A shop was being sold” with goodwill “. On enquiry, I learnt that the owner was offering not only the shop but the good relationship he has developed with his customers. The buyer would thus be assured of continued business contacts and customers.

Wishing others well, is something we can all develop. It implies an absence of envy , a love of humanity, a rising above petty and trifling matters of daily occurrence. How happy we feel when someone wishes us ‘best of luck’ as we enter into an examination hall or go for a competition. Sporting opponents wish each other the best of luck when they say , “ May the best man win”.

Countries send their ambassadors as tokens of goodwill to other countries. If there are incidents of hatred and violence the ambassadors are recalled and vital links are broken.

In our own small circle do we wish others well ? Are we the ones of whom the angels sang on Christmas day , “ Peace on Earth to people of goodwill?”.

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