Have you ever felt alone and miserable? The thoughts of being a loser in some situation has filled an enormous amount of space is your mind? You are in the state where everything looks out of control and you lose all your trust and faith from everyone instantly? Then, let me tell you, you are in a position where you have to be patient, my friend, because this roller coaster called life has put you down so that It can take you to heights. Everyone who is in living state rides this roller coaster and yes, no one likes to go down but going down is eventually an unavoidable part of the ride. The only thing you have left to do is, have faith and work the hardest to make yourself go high, so high that you can see sky beneath you. Actually, when you are stuck in an ugly situation, all these things seem rubbish. But, trust is the key to go up . Faith is of course the new God. You need to have faith. In the all mighty and in yourself that you will make through it. Everyone in this world is born to defeat some demons, paint some memories. You have to kill those devils, because no one will do it for you. You have to paint your masterpiece, because no one can do it for you. Despair is never a solution. Hence, we can't count it as a choice in the worst of our situations. You just need to squeeze the juice out of the lemons that life offers you.
Faith is the new God