We all have heard of the proverb ‘once bitten twice shy’. This itself exemplifies how well we learn from experience. The personal experience leaves an indelible impression on our minds that are more lasting and invaluable. Like a good teacher, her lessons are very thorough and we can only ignore it at our own peril. Experiences could be good like helping a person in need or it could be bad like losing money on a risky investment. However, what is important is that we learn from them so that we can profit from our good experience while at the same time steer clear from those which are potentially harmful to us. Ask a child not to play with a matchbox for it can harm him will probably have no impact on him but once he has scored his hand by the match stick he will never in his lifetime forget this lesson. Thus we learn meticulously from personal experience rather than by adhering to the advice of others or by reading about them from books of periodicals.