Present : Oh my God! Look What has happened! What's wrong with you. You've got so skinny. Don't you eat anything.
Four Years Back : Whoaa! You look like a Pumpkin. I am afraid you'll burst out someday!
Some or the other day, anyhow We girls get comments on our body type. Take my case given above. It's not something fictional it's reality. When I look beautiful, they say it's the magic of editing apps. When my eyes look sleepy, they call me drunk!
People never stop commenting on your body type, your face, your messy hairs, your fluffy tummy. Whooaaa! I always wonder how much time they have, that they stop noticing themselves and start taking care of your looks.
When they see me in a Party : "Oh myy myy! What a Beauty. Makeup doesn't suits you at all. You are blessed with such a beautiful skin, it would ruin aur naturality."
When they see me in Loose Tees and Shorts : "You look like a Hippie, look at your messed up hairs, you are a grown up girl learn to be beautiful!"
From using 32 editing apps to looking like a hippie, from being fat like a pumpkin to being skinny, I've had enough of these shitty comments and I really don't care what others think. I am confident in every thing I do. Eventually my looks won't take me to the heights but my talent will. I appreciate that you take time out in noticing and finding flaws in me which I consider a piece of crap because I am flawless -inside out.Yes I use editing apps but the people who compliment on my facebook have seen me in reality and they know who I really am! Call me a photoshop version or whatever shit you want, I accept myself the way I am, and you should learn the same. I don't care the way I look because I am me and I am not ashamed of my body type!
Embrace the Glorious Mess You're!