Increased sun exposure doesn’t only provide you with vitamin D , it may also helps you to balance your emotional stress level says a recent study. The weather variable Is what matters between the time of sunrise and sunset, when it comes to your physical and mental health.
The study analysed various meteorological variables such as rainfall , solar radiance , temperature and so on. The weather data could analyse appropriate area where the clients lived.
The study was conducted on clinical population using mental health treatment to examine several aspects of emotional stability , rather focusing on general population.
The study mainly focused on the weather variable between the time span of sunrise and sunset which caused physical changes in client.
It is also seen that sunlight triggers the release of serotonin , hormone responsible for maintaining mood balance. The release of serotonin keeps you calm and focused.
If you are between a stressed up life , its time to grab your bag put your sunscreen on and head towards the sea shore.