Digitize to make life easy by these Apps

Digitalisation make things much more efficient and fast .The  already high- tech towns and cities will get even more tech savvy.

Make life easy with these unnoticable  apps desigened to give conivence services to Indian users . 

“Make Innovation and Digitization the philosophy, and part of DNA .”

1. Pparke App

App available on Google play and app store, which enables users to block the parking space before they venture out. It helps find parking space at places like malls, universities, airports, municipal corporations, by connecting them and helping them locate their space for parking, solving this perennial problem.

Can’t find parking space? Pparke app helps you reserve your spot

2. Chillr App

Chillr is mobile banking app that lets people send and receive money to/from anyone in their phone book. Chillr differentiates from online wallets as all fund transactions are between bank accounts.

3. Pocket App

Pocket is your place to quickly save , discover and recommend the stories that interest users online .

4. Clue App

Clue is a female health app developed by the Berlin-based technology company BioWink GmbH. The app has over 2.5 million users from 180 different countries. Clue is a female health app that uses science and data to help you discover the unique patterns in your cycle. It reminds you about your period .

Track your cycle with the Clue app, a free period tracker for iPhone and Android.

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