Public opinion is divided on the question of prohibition. While one section of the society champions the right to drink the other vehemently support the view that consumption of alcohol is harmful therefore it should banned. Past attempts at prohibition have only been self defeating. If the policy of prohibition is to be really enforce certain preparatory steps will have be taken.vHowever,vtotal prohibition does ot seem to be effective for removing the ills of drinking. The lure of the bottle is too strong. Prohibition can meet with success if it is enforced after taking all the reactions into account.

Although drinking dates back to our ancient times and there is mention of the drinking habits of the devas as well as the asuras in our mythology, drinking has been widely condemned as a habit in modern society. Protagonists of prohibition go as far as to quote the Bible wherein over 175 warnings have been recorded against drink, drinking and drunkenness.

Gandhiji firmly believed that liquor was "an invention of the Devil". Therefore he declared, "If I were appointed dictator even for one hour for India, first thing I would do would be to close, without compensation all the liquor shops. It was his belief that nothing stares the nation in the face, that is a prey to the drink habit. He held, "Drink is more a disease than a vice. I know scores of men who would gladly leave off drink if they could. Diseased people have got to be helped against themselves".

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