Socialism is very difficult to define. Generally it is a government against capitalism. It ensures that the vast mass of working people will be empowered and will control their own destinies and will make their own history.

Now, the entire concept of socialism is on the receding path it seems to have lost its relevance in the changing world. From the mid-19th century, down to our national liberation struggle, Socialism has been the eternal dream of humanity - the desire to live in a just, rational, humane society in which no individual would live on the labour of others in modern times, it was believed that this dream, could he realized in a socialist society. Socialism as a movement remains relevant so long as class struggle continues and so long as capitalism is unable to resolve its problems in the realms of economy, culture, democracy and human relations.

Socialism has suffered a defeat of immense proportions during the last decade. Everywhere those committed to socialism are on the defensive. The effort to build an alternative to capitalism on a world scale seems to have failed. In fact, there has been a retreat from the very notion of changing society in a fundamental manner. Since mid-nineteenth century, socialism has represented four different though interconnected streams. First, socialism has been the eternal dream of humanity down to our own national liberation struggle the desire to live in a just, rational, humane society in which no human will live on the labour of others, in which the few belonging the property owning classes would not dominate society but the vast mass of working.

Socialism as a vision is, of course, immortal. As a vision it will continue to inspire millions to struggle for its actualization. The definition of socialism, its essential ingredients, will undergo change as society and economy undergo changes. We may not know today what socialism would look like when the dream becomes a reality, but it certainly will not look like capitalism, nor will it mean satisfaction of economy, culture and polity.

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