Even though most of us don’t agree with the saying “ First impression is the best impression” , but still we judge a person based on their facial features isn’t that true ? Our facial features reveals a lot about how we present ourselves in front of others. We don’t make much eye contact while we talk to someone rather we do look into their lips movement or shape. Just like your eyes , shape of your lips reveal much more secrets about your personality trait. If you have a petulant lips , it means that you are confident and courageous woman. The one with puffy lower lip indicates that you are an attention seeker. You are one of a kind who always loves to shine among the group. Are you a drama queen? Do you love controlling people? If yes you are women with puffy upper lips. Women with thin lips are fun , loving , want to live their life fullest and also detail oriented. If you are a risk taker and reach out for success , surely you are the women with wide lips. Women with wide lips are said to lead a well balanced life. The one with cupid lips are admirable and non reality seekers. There lips indicates that they are swift minded and passionate lover. If you are the women with thinness around the corner of your lips , undoubtedly you are the women with attractive soul and extrovert. Check out shape of your lips and unleash the trait behind it.
Check out , what can your lips reveal about your personality trait.