Can't Control Your Anger? Here Are 5 Things You Can Do To Control Your Anger

Anger is an emotion which can manifest itself in the form of displeasure or strong feelings of grievance. Whether it's a nasty boss, petty fights with annoying co-passengers in the metro or rash drivers on the road— you often tend to lose your cool. It is normal to be angry in these situations, but make sure it’s not a part of your regular behaviour. These feelings of anger can annoy and irritate people around you. When we are angry we are unable to differentiate between what is right or wrong and just retaliate.

Here are 5 things you can do to control your anger:

1. Take Deep Breaths

Instead of reacting to an allegation or argument straight away, stay calm. Deep breathing exercises will help diffuse an immediate outburst. You may also start counting backwards from 20.

2. Think Before You Talk

In the heat of the moment we often tend to say nasty things. Think of what you want to say and whether you should say it or not, rather than just blurting out randomly.

3. Blow Steam at the Gym

Working out is a great way to release stress and frustration. Indulging in vigorous physical activity releases happy hormones such as serotonin and endorphin in the body. Other benefits include a fit body and better health.

4. Take A Break

Take a small break, go out for a quick walk, drink some cold water or wash your face. And then, when the other person and you have cooled down, go ahead and make your point.

5. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Meditation and yoga are highly recommended to those with anger-management issues. If these ain’t your thing, trying writing a dairy/journal.

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