Everyone wants to be liked and to make a good impression on people around them. Body language plays a very important part here. With the knowledge of good body language tricks, you can make anyone instantly like you and sometimes can even impress them. Knowing more about body language can also help you interpret connections and relationships with the people. Subconsciously, our body language can speak a lot about us. These 5 body language tricks will help you to make anyone like you and leave a good first impression on them:
1. Greet with your best smile.
A genuine smile can work wonders during your first meeting. Deliver such a smile that signifies that you truly care for the person. Also do not flash your smile when the person is approaching you. Instead hold it till they have approached you and then unleash your smile. That way they will feel that the greeting was sincere and especially for them, making them feel important.
2. Constant eye contact.
Try to maintain eye contact with your target person throughout the conversation. If you need to break the eye contact for some reason, then do it slowly and not in a jerk. Do not break the eye contact frequently and also do not stare them throughout the conversation because that way you will come out as creepy.
3. Pivot completely towards them.
When you meet someone, turn your body fully towards them and give them undivided attention. Try to completely pivot yourself towards that person and not just your face. Pivoting 100% towards the target person shouts, "I think you are very very special".
4. Maintaining upright posture.
Chest out, straight back and relaxed body is the sign of a confident person. Try to have your spinal cord completely straight while talking to someone. But while doing so, you must not get too rigid or fixating. Try to keep your body loose and back straight.
5. Avoid fidgeting.
In order to appear credible, try not to move too much in the middle of an important conversation. Do not fidget, twitch, wiggle, squirm or scratch. Fidgeting is a sign of nervousness and subconsciously happen to control nervousness by diverting it into another physical activity like tapping off feet or fidgeting with fingers.