Reading is such a habit that should be practiced by everyone on a daily basis. Reading, not only books but also newspapers broaden your knowledge and understanding of the world. Those who read have been known to have more finely- tuned brains and it also improves their mind both psychologically and cognitively.
Various studies have shown that reading can considerably slower the process of developing Alzheimer's or dementia. Reading also improves your vocabulary which will help you not only in your professional sphere but also in building self- esteem. It de- stresses you, taking you to a different world, cutting you off from the reality. Experts recommend reading silently for 6 minutes to slow down your heart rate and release tension. It also increases your productivity and ability to focus on one thing at a time.
As you read, you also memorize many things. You try to store in your mind all the facts you find while reading, thus expanding your memory and knowledge. Reading also encourages readers to examine their own emotions and behaviour and make them more open to new experiences. Analyzing the story, making an effort to understand the behaviour of characters, trying to solve puzzles and uncover mysteries- all of that engages and develops your critical and analytical thinking. Those who read also tend to have a more varied range of words to express how they feel and to get their point across. By reading a written description of an event or place, your mind is responsible for creating that image in your head, thus improving your imagination. Reading even makes you interesting and attractive and makes you smarter as well. Lastly, reading is beneficial Also because of its entertainment value. Reading is not only fun, but it has all the added benefits that have been discussed so far.
These are just few of the benefits. There's more to it that you wouldn't want to miss any longer.