Adopt Sustainable Living...because it is worth it !!

Somehow the choices or decisions that we make in our lives impact our fellow human beings or our nature in one or the other way. It can be the food we eat, the energy we use or the clothes we choose to wear etc. Sustainable Living or responsible living is basically an attempt to reduce the constant overuse that our natural resources are exposed to. It is the practice where we decrease the demand for our natural resources like land, air, and water.

Living a Sustainable life or a green lifestyle should be our high priority and a compulsory practice not only for grown-ups but also for small kids so that they take the necessary steps to take care of the planet starting early in their lives. Our planet has very limited resources which to an extent are already overused, so in order to survive and prosper on planet Earth, a Sustainable Life is the need of the hour. We should remember to live in harmony and thereby contribute to our society in a positive manner. Sustainable Living in simpler words is a continuous way of life with a goal to preserve our environment.

Below mentioned are the various ways which can help you live a Sustainable life :

•    The 3 R’s which are Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle
•    Reducing garbage and trash landfills by eliminating the use of plastic and other

non- biodegradable waste which makes it place in landfills and stays there for many years only causing pollution.
•    Turn off electronic

equipment when they are not in use.
•    Replace dangerous plastic bags with natural jute bags
•    Always buy rechargeable batteries
•    Using carpool or walk short distances instead of driving car
•    Use LED lights instead of incandescent lights
•    Grow your own vegetables and fruits in your backyard or empty space
•    Put solar panels in your house or business
•    Save water it is precious 
•    Plant trees, don’t cut them

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