Is Googlisation widening the cracks in old school family rules???

Perhaps your mother is waiting for you to let her teach those "lessons offline"

Perhaps your grandpa is waiting for that morning where you would do a "chit chat offline"

Perhaps your father is waiting for you to let him be your "offline Mr Google"

The online or the virtual world seems to be killing all relations and attachments with the real world around.

Ever wondered people in a village living in isolation or just with themselves? 
Indeed ironically we call the tech say world today a Global village.

A village where dawn and dusk is marked with a ting of your smart smart to detach you from the real people around but keeping you in touch virtually.With this I mean the virtual space you share on those virtual platforms fool you with a bent that you are in touch. A touch where your typing speed determines your relationship status. Aahh...Take a break man!

Clicking fingers instead of your tounges with people around you. Is that the socialisation that online world promises?
Quits dubious perhaps. Instead I feel Social media is getting too unsocial to the real one who want to be with  us in real.
Ever wondered what technology is taking away from you? Your Real Self! Imagine posting pictures even when you don't want, but you have to, after all the Virtual Samaj there ought to keep a tap on your lives. You are not in mood to answer online but if those ticks stay blue for long without any response it might bring an unwanted closure. You don't want to keep a Dp or status yet to keep just for the sake of your contacts whom you want to believe that you are not depressed or had a break up.

Living in a virtual space,  for the virtual space yet against the real space.
I really wonder how the relations will build in future if the present generations affirms in staying in virtual phase of hope , trust and deceit
A virtual space where time turns into insecurities  insecure and hope turns into egoes.
"Just Try to look up"

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