Food menus that will 'Arghh' you down!

Yeah! It's for real. Even if you like the taste and love to savour that dish, but you will gonna when you come to know what you ate was bizzarely made.

Can't you believe it?! Have a look then!

1. Sushi : Made through armpits. Yes, you heard it right.
This trend originated in Japan where people not only love varieties of Sushi but they have developed a taste for armpit sushi. When a girl prepares it by sprinkling seasame seeds on the rice flour ball by rubbing it under her armpit.

Yet men have declared it delicious than an ordinary one.

2. Nail polish! Lick it! : First, you have to apply this edible nail polish on your nails and dry it, then lick it to taste it. Made by a food chain in Hong Kong, from natural ingredients rendering it the taste of chicken.

3. Midge fly Burger: Made from midge flies collected near Victoria Lake of Africa, are full of proteins. The lacs of flies are then mashed to make black bureger patties said to be seven times nutritious than average beef burger.

4. Drinking Clay: Known to make you lose weight, this beverage is mixed with smoothies and juices, infused with clay. It's popularity is that it's a health food.

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