Trump Travel Ban

The travel ban issued by President Donald Trump has been one of the major issues for conflicts and criticisms. Although many think it as a humiliation for the targeted countries, fellow Americans agree that it is one of the most wisest decisions taken by the President for the nation's safety. Some of the supporters of the President sang heartily with cheered voices ”make America great again.”



The travel ban is also known as the Muslim ban was an executive order known as the Executive Order 13769. Later it was replaced by the Executive Order 13780. This ban was signed on 27 January 2017. The ban includes suspension of refugees from Syria, expedite a biometric tracking system and certain travel restrictions from Muslim countries. Particular importance was been given to the ban of Syrian refugees. Also any person who arrives from these seven countries: Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia and Yemen were to face a 90-day visa suspension.


The ban gave rise to various protests from Muslim communities as it was targeted on the Muslim majority. The main reason for the travel ban as clearly stated by the President Donald Trump was prevention of terrorism although most of the included countries do not fall under terrorist risk. The New York Times reported that “ for an action aimed at terrorism, the order appeared to garner little or no support among experts and former officials of every political stripe with experience in the field. “ After the enactment of the executive order it's effects were seen very quickly across borders and airports. The New York Times stated that various people of Muslim background or status were denied the entry into America and were sent back. It also included the refugees, students and Christian minority from the affected countries.



Many people were rejected the entry although they had valid visas. Some were left off in foreign countries. According to the President of the National Iranian American Council, Trita Parsi the citizens from the affected countries were severely distressed, mostly persons holding valid green cards and valid visas . Mr. Trump clearly stated that this travel ban was indispensable on the refugee programme as it would enable a more austere vetting system and ensure that individuals who are a risk to national security are denied from granting visa permit.



President Trump said this in a statement on Facebook “ To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting. This is not about religion, this is about the terror and keeping our country safe. There are over 40 different countries worldwide that are majority Muslim that are not affected by this order.”

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