Exam monsters

All the while when it’s the matter of exams coming up, accent and stress are an irresistible metamorphosis. Students who aim to perform good whether or not of their performance and practice level, always tend to have exam stress. Although it’s a natural and common locus, but then too, a convenient directorate is immensely vital! Notwithstanding, the problem of stress and not performing good in exams is not always because of students themselves as there are others factors to this situation as well! Sometimes even though students prepare well for exams but still do not score well, this has many reasons such as environment, mood, handwriting etc. When we talk about environment it means the climate before the examination and during it, also matters a lot. As it is not dependent upon you! The mood is fairly of the paper checker. The personality and mood of the paper checker also matters as sometimes the examiner can also be tired or stressed due to a lot of checking of papers. Student’s handwriting here also matters a lot. While we write the paper we unknowingly start writing in a bad handwriting due to the hurry of finishing the paper. These are the very reasons why you mustn’t also take a lot of stress.

                                Although stress is not entirely controllable sometimes. To ensure that the stress during exams doesn’t affect your examination it is very important to know the very reasons behind this occurring .  

  • Lack of motivation – motivation is a very essential element for improving your confidence during exams. Some amazing ideas to level up your motivation are:  *bring up a friend to study with- this will eventually increase your motivation level as studying together will solve up many questions and eventually clear your doubts!

*Short study time periods- research has shown that studying with no distraction for a short increases the information retaining capacity which eventually helps remember each information fully and clearly.* rewarding yourself- rewarding yourself also increases the motivational level of your brain so that you perform well in your exams


  • Lack of preparation and devising- planning and preparation are two very important things to top any kind of exam! Its very important to create schedules and time tables during exams.
  • High expectations from others- expectations from others always stress out as students start thinking too much and ultimately waste time as well as energy
  • Competition with peers- examination and education always stays for your benefit so competing with peers is not a good idea. Although many students compete with their peers which sometimes leads to a lot of stress. We should avoid doing this.



Admitting that, all of these reasons lead to a major stress for exams, there are also many interesting things to do to vanish away the stress during exams.

  1. Listen to classical music
  2. Walk for about 30 minutes per day in a green environment
  3. Always plan the study routine
  4. Get enough sleep
  5. Play outside and do not sacrifice the things you love instead just reduce the time of them a little
  6. Meditate!
  7. Eat chocolate!
  8. Study in conditions similar to your exam room
  9. Eat healthy!
  10. Drink lots of water!
  11. Keep taking lots of breaks in between
  12. Arrive early to examinations
  13.  Chew gum!- chewing gum increases the capacity of your brain to learn  information
  14.  Treat it as a learning experience and not pressure


There are many ways in which you can deal with exam pressure.

Do remember to take care of your health during exams.

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