Chill! Love Yourself

Self-importance such a simple thing we won’t even know that we need it until the day comes that when we realize that we don’t have it, it will shatter us. Losing something we had is less painful than getting to know that you didn’t have that thing in the first place.

Enough! With the ‘thing’ talks, I will just come straight to the point now instead of aimlessly meandering around, beating the bush, the subject of my piece for today. Essentiality of Self-love. No its’ not narcissism, you must understand when there are actual people like Narcissus, who need to cut down a bit on the whole admiring yourself subject, at the same time polar opposites exist too who don’t like themselves even hate themselves. Both of the practices are quite unhealthy, but it’s not just for the latter group. This is for everyone, the normal ones too, the middle guys, you should know we do think about you, no need to hate the extreme personalities.

A popular theory concerning this that when you cannot love yourself you are incapable of loving others. So when you do not admire yourself then you will have difficulties admiring others too. Personally I believe that loving you and loving others are two different things which are not interconnected. You can be a person who doesn’t like to take care of yourself but you do care for others dearly and look after them.

There is another explanation which is more credible than the last one. Loving yourself is understanding self-worth and that is the bed rock for self -esteem and confidence which is instilled within us. When we know ourselves, we are armed with the belief that what we contribute to the world is unique and I am irreplaceable. This boosts the confidence up to ten thousand degrees and the person standing in-front of you immediately knows that you demand respect. Self-respect another part of self-love is a necessity in every relationship, be it your friend, your partner and even your parents. When you respect yourself and hold that your wishes are legit then others consider them important too, they start respecting you and your choices. In order to make yourself heard out there you need to believe in you, you will convince others only when you are a true supporter of your own convictions.

Think of this in a other way, no one wants to talk to an accepter who doesn’t have his own choices or thoughts about anything, whose main nature is to agree, who dances to the tune of next big thing always. A person so easily swayed without any kind of holding force what so ever is certainly boring. One may think that they are becoming the bigger person or helping the conversation by not making any arguments or disagreeing but actually this is what will make the conversation bland. The whole point is a paper is just a white paper until something is written on it, it becomes all the more important when the writings is with permanent ink and not the invisible ones. The crux of this piece is that loving yourself, accepting yourself, being happy with whom you are and what you are is not a crime or the road to narcissism, in-fact you can be you could be covered with humility and believe in oneself. Losing your sleep over comparing yourself with others and finding out that you are not good enough is the road to hell, instead be content with the place at present self and enjoy a happy healthy life.

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